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FastTrack AI organizes your work into Projects, Experiments, Replicates, and Wells.

Experiments define the parameters such as time between frames, assay type, resolution, and other important factors. Experiments hold many replicates which are repeats of the the same experiment with the same parameters.

Creating a new Experimment
Open a project, then click on the +Experiment button. This will take you directly to the new experiment edit page.

- Title - enter any descriptive text
- Project - you can change the project at any time
- Cell Line - optionally you can add cell lines to the "cell lines" menu before creating an Experiment.
- Plate - Choose custom plate for un-limited wells. Or choose an ibidi plate for a pre-defined well layout.
- Microscopic Resolution - Refer to the Help Center for help determining the critical parameter.
- Choose "Is Time Lapse" if you have more than one time-point image per well.
- Time between images can range from seconds to many hours.
- The description field holds any formation you optionally choose to place here.
- For Advanced Settings, please refer to your specific Assay in the Help Center.