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FastTrack AI organizes your work into Projects, Experiments, Replicates, and Wells.

Projects hold experiments which are associated with an individual experimenter or a team of experimenters. The experimenter that creates the project can grant access to other experimenters. Projects provide security to control access to data.
Experiments define the parameters such as time between frames, assay type, resolution, and other important factors. Experiments hold many replicates which are repeats of the the same experiment with the same parameters.
Replicates hold the wells and the data in the well. A replicate is typically a set of wells that were cultured at the same time.
A report is generated for each replicate. A report will compare all the results from the wells contained in the replicate.
Master Projects Page

Adding Users to A Project
To add users to the project, just start typing their names into "Users with Access" box. Hit the enter key when finished to save the changes.